I partnered with Granite Gold® to bring you the best tips on keeping your grout looking gorgeous. All opinions are my own.
Raise your hand if you spend a lot of time thinking about your grout! Unless you install tiles for a living, I’m guessing your hand is still down, right? Grout isn’t really something that we sit around pondering, but it really is an important part of your home. See, while the tiles may be the first thing people see when they look at your floor, counters, and so on, the grout is the glue that holds the whole look together…literally!
Cleaning grout is a monumental task for any type of tile, but when you have granite or other natural stone, it’s even more of a challenge! The wrong grout cleaner can wreak total havoc on your gorgeous (and expensive!) stone. Most cleaners are just too abrasive for granite and can leave ugly etch marks in it, which are pretty much impossible to fix without calling in a professional. Other less abrasive cleaners just kind of cover the dirt so your grout looks clean but really isn’t. Blech, right?
So, what can you do to get grout that’s as gorgeous as your granite? That, my friends, is where Granite Gold Grout Cleaner® comes in!
What makes Granite Gold Grout Cleaner® so special?
If there’s a company that knows natural stone, it’s definitely Granite Gold®. The family-owned company has more than 55 years’ experience in the stone-care industry! If you have granite, chances are you’ve used Granite Gold® cleaning products to keep it looking beautiful. Now, those same experts are making it easier to tackle the tedious task of cleaning the glue that holds your tile together.
Granite Gold Grout Cleaner® is stone-safe cleaner that removes grease & grime, like oil and soap scum. It’s tough enough to use on even the grungiest grout, yet gentle enough for pretty much any tile material, including granite, marble, and even glass. It’s also safe for colored grout! You can even use it on plain old laminate tile, so you don’t have to buy separate products for every surface in your house. It even comes with a stone-friendly scrub brush to make quick work of dirt.
I also love that Granite Gold Grout Cleaner® is non-toxic and free of ammonia. It’s designed to be safe on food-prep surfaces, which means it’s also safe to use around my cats and dogs. It’s even planet-friendly since it’s biodegradable!
How to clean grout with Granite Gold Grout Cleaner®
Cleaning with Granite Gold Grout Cleaner® is really fairly straight-forward and simple.
- Spray the cleaner directly along the grout lines. For horizontal surfaces like floors and counters, just set the nozzle to “stream.” For walls, windows, and other vertical surfaces, use the “foaming action” setting by pulling the tabs out at the end of the nozzle.
- If your grout is really grungy, let the cleaner sit for about 2-3 minutes.
- Not so grungy grout? Go ahead and use the included scrub brush (or another nylon brush) to lift the dirt out.
- When you’re done, just rinse with warm water and dry with a soft towel.
- Keep your grout looking great by following up with Granite Gold Sealer®
If you’re thinking about skipping the sealer step, think again! Skipping the sealer not only leaves your grout vulnerable to stains, it can also allow nasty things to grow- like mold and bacteria. Think about it: germs LOVE moisture, and since grout is so porous, it’s absorbing water every time you shower, brush your teeth, or wash your dishes (depending on where it is).
Granite Gold Sealer® works just as well for sealing that grout as it does for your granite counters and other surfaces because it builds a barrier against soil build up and stains. They even have Granite Gold Sealer Wipes® to make it even easier to keep germs out of your grout.
Check out their video for a better visual of how to clean grout!
I gave it a try in our bathroom, which has the nicest floors and counters in the house. Go figure, right? I guess my landlord spent a lot of time in there and wanted it to be nice? We have colored grout that hides dirt pretty well. My mom (who as you may know lives with me) is kind of a neat freak and I wasn’t expecting much dirt to come out of the grout. I was really surprised by how much was hiding there!
We also have a stone wall surrounding our wood stove. For the life of me, I can’t remember the type of stone. I asked my landlord recently and he told me, then I promptly forgot! Something like mixed stone. Whatever it is, it’s real…and the grout that holds it all together it is a real pain to clean!
It’s important to note that Granite Gold Grout Cleaner® will not remove stains from your grout. I’m not talking about that dirt that looks like a stain, I mean those really deep set-in stains that have been sitting there for a while, really sinking into your porous grout.
No product can completely obliterate those deep grout stains, sorry. You’re a lot better off replacing the grout, then sealing it (along with the stone around it) with Granite Gold Sealer® to help prevent stains in the first place.
Ready to try it out and make quick work of grout cleaning? Head to the Granite Gold® website to learn more and to buy Granite Gold Grout Cleaner®, along with their other fabulous cleaning products! Granite Gold® products are available at Bed Bath & Beyond, Lowes, The Home Depot, Walmart, and grocery and hardware stores throughout the U.S.; check the store locator at GraniteGold.com
Great post!
I can’t wait to share this with my husband because we are redoing our bathroom and cleaning the grout needs to be done.
I remember when I was a kid – my task was to take a butter knife and scrape away all the grout on our counter! LOL. I actually thought it was so fun!
I will have to pick up some of this. I would love to bring my grout back to the way it was when it was first put in.
Going to have to go find some of this Granite Gold Grout cleaner. My granite and grout looks wonderful right now. It was just installed. Good to know for when I need to keep it clean.
Now that my kid is off to college I can’t wait to super clean his room and his bathroom. Nothing like a deep cleaning. This grout cleaner would definitely come in handy in cleaning his bathroom.
Anything to help make cleaning grout easier and faster is a winner with me.
Hands up sometimes I look at our grout and think urgh! I definitely need to look into getting something like this and giving out grout a revamp.
I have to look into getting this product for our home. Our grout could really use this.
I’m going to try this! The grout in our kitchen is pretty gross in some places and really needs to be cleaned.
Ooo I need to try this in our bathroom. Our grout needs work!
I need to get some of this grout cleaner. Our grout has definitely seen better days.
Yeah, you are right, I never thought about my grout before. My husband is one that notices it more than I do. Now I have to look at my tile and make sure it is nice and clean and get a product like this to help with it.
oh wow–I need this! The grout in my bathroom has gotten so gray and grimy. 🙁
I am going to try it on my bathroom grout. We’ve been here 5 years and it is time to get down and scrub that grout!
This looks like a great product. I would use this around my bathroom as we have five people using it and the grout can get dirty quickly.
I really struggle with our kitchen floor grouts. They get so dirty so fast and are a pain to clean. Have to check out this product to see if it makes our cleaning routine easier and faster.
I could have used these tips before I moved, in my house my grout was getting pretty gross! LOL!! Thanks for these tips!!
I have to pick up a bottle of this. The grout in our bathroom tile is looking dingy.
This is super helpful.