I don’t usually promote blogging courses because, honestly, I’ve found very, very few that offer information that can’t be found for free by doing a simple web search (or by reading a book). However, this one is different. Knowing the team behind it, I have all the confidence in the world that they really put a ton of work into bringing you a course that actually does teach you valuable skills that you couldn’t easily find on your own.

Plus, this is different than just another  “learn how to blog” course, mostly because it’s NOT a  “learn how to blog” course. 😀 Instead, you’ll learn the skills needed to work with bloggers and authors now, while at the same time, you’ll be learning skills that translate to your own blog, whether you have one now or plan to start one in the future. Read on to learn more!

Sign Up for the Virtual Assistant to Bloggers and Authors Course & Save $50!

Do you want a REAL work at home job? One that can pay your bills?


In 4 weeks, you could be living your dream –

working from home as a virtual assistant to authors, bloggers, and small businesses!

Use easy to learn skills or things you already know how to do!

***We can teach you how.***

Sign Up for the Virtual Assistant to Bloggers and Authors Course & Save $50!

Are YOU In Love With Your Job?

What a weird thing to ask – are you in love with your job. We get it. We didn’t think we could love WORK either, but we do.

And we want you to love what you do, as well.

There are so many benefits to working from home full-time or part-time, or pushing a side-hustle to pay off bills.

Read the pros and cons of working from home

& to find out more!

First round starts January 7, 2019!

Use Code: VANew19 and get $50 off the price!

Click over to find out more!

Sign Up for the Virtual Assistant to Bloggers and Authors Course & Save $50!