With spring right around the corner, you might want to make some healthy changes in your life. Above all else, establishing a self-care routine should be placed among the most important changes you make.
Unfortunately, it can seem impossible to start a routine amidst all your other responsibilities. But performing acts of self-care are essential in managing your mental health, physical health, appearance, and more. The following list of ideas will serve to identify aspects of self-care in a variety of forms. If you’re one of the many people struggling to take care of yourself, try these tips to get into a routine that works for you:
Identify points of stress
One of the first tips to starting a self-care routine is identifying points of stress in your life. These could be stressors in the home, at work, or within yourself. You can help identify these points of anxiety through the help of a mood journal or by talking with a mental health professional.
Once you have identified these stressful triggers, you can work to mitigate their effect on your life through a self-care routine. For example, many people try to promote mental wellness by meditating for 10 minutes each day. Meditation can help clear your mind, reduce stress, and promote feelings of happiness that can last all day. Other people might take a few minutes out of their day to perform a prayer or another act of thankfulness. It’s estimated that around 68% of Americans attend religious services occasionally, making this a great outlet for many.
Identify points of improvement
Points of improvement can take many forms; it can prompt you to look inward and focus on self-improvement but it can also encourage you to improve the world around you.
Start practicing self-care by identifying aspects of your home and environment that need the most improvement. After all, if you’re feeling stressed, a well-organized workplace can work wonders to relieving some of your anxiety. In your home, ensure that your alarms are up-to-date and that you’ve ascertained that your home is a safe environment. Once you complete frustrating chores, like performing a 90-day long-term radon test, you will feel more at ease in your own home.
After you’ve coped with the stress-inducing external factors in your home, focus your attention inward. What parts of yourself do you hope to improve? Your health? Your communication with others? Identifying these areas of improvement can prompt us to make healthy choices. Just be sure to start small — even though you want to go to the gym or to therapy every week, throwing yourself into a new routine takes time. Small changes, like meditating occasionally and eating more seafood can help put you on the right path. In fact, 88% of consumers will eat seafood just for the health benefits. It’s small changes like this which will help you ease into a routine.
Identify things you love
A primary component of self-care is doing things that you love. These activities will help relieve stress, promote feelings of happiness, and lead to better health. The hard part is finding the time to do everything you enjoy and working them into a regular routine. One of the best ways to do this is by blocking out specific times in your schedule. However, some people have managed to find loopholes by combining points of enjoyment.
For example, if you love spending time with friends but know that you should improve your fitness, consider hiking, the fourth-most popular activity in the United States. If you love the warmth of a nice bubble bath but you have trouble finding time to read, consider reading in the tub. You won’t always be able to combine these hobbies and habits, but even meshing a couple of options that you love can give you more time to enjoy them.
These are good tips. I’ve never heard of a 90-day radon test, though, the ones I’ve heard people talk about are like 3 or 6 days, and they have to keep the windows shut and try to not open the door a lot. But most people should be checking for radon if they have lived in a place for a long time – don’t wait until you are selling and the buyer’s inspector does one! Do it for you now!
These are great tips! I need to do a better job of setting aside time to do something for myself every once in a while for my mental health!