Looking for fun Easter basket ideas that inspire tweens and teens to be more creative? Read on for 19 fantastic ideas that really engage their imaginations!
Shopping for Easter gift ideas for tweens & teens is no easy task! Gone are the days when you could load up their basket with cute little toys, a little bit of candy, and maybe a few pieces of fruit. My son is 13 now and he pretty much just wants money. Sure, that’s easier, but it’s also so boring! So, along with the cash, here are some ideas I’m thinking about.
Easter Basket Ideas that Inspire Creativity
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Creative Writing Ideas
My son used to love writing wild stories. He hasn’t done it in a while, mostly because he’s doing more writing in school and doesn’t seem to want to do “extra work” at home. I’d love to get him back into the habit with these ideas!
Rip the Page: Adventures in Creative Writing This one promises to be an “everything-you-need guide to spark new poems and unstick old stories.” It’s kind of a short answer book, with zany prompts like “If you could disappear into one color for a day, what color? What day?” or more traditional prompts that ask what wish you would grant for someone. I like it because tweens can give answers as simple or as involved as they want. It’s low-pressure fun.
Cliffhanger Writing Prompts: Another fun book filled with writing prompts, this one looks a little more involved. It includes 30 story starters that kids can build from, and is recommended for grades 3-6.
642 Things to Write About: With this one, tweens will never run out of ideas! Over 600 open-ended prompts, like writing a to-do list for a villain or describe a dream tree house. FYI, if you’re looking for something to unleash your own creativity, they have a version for adults, too.
Wreck this Journal: This one is super fun because it encourages destruction! Hey, who doesn’t need to vent by poking holes in pages or defacing a few pictures? Never underestimate the therapeutic release of creating a little chaos. It has crazy-good reviews!
Other items to add to a creative writing Easter basket include:
- A really nice journal for writing thoughts that go beyond the prompt-style books.
- Plenty of pens and pencils to keep everywhere.
- Colorful highlighters (to highlight those really important thoughts)
- Aqua Notes
for those ideas that hit in the shower
- Scrabble or Bananagrams
, to enhance vocab on family game night!
Art Supplies
Not all tweens love to write. Some prefer to create brilliant works of art! My son actually loves to do both.
642 Things to Draw: Like the book above, this one includes a ton of ideas for things to sketch, draw or paint!
Scribbles & Doodles: Another book with prompts, except this one gives kids the space to draw and doodle as well as write.
Chalkola Chalk Markers: These are incredibly cool! We got two sets with different sizes and I’ve been having a lot of fun with them myself! While you could stick to using them on a chalkboard or dry erase board, there are so many other possibilities. We even decorated a few cardboard boxes to make cat houses (keep in mind that they don’t wipe off of cardboard!). Tweens will absolutely love the brilliant colors. We’ve been looking for excuses to use them all over the place! So many possibilities for creativity.
One little note: the first time you use one, you have to press down lightly and scribble a bit until the chalk comes down. It takes a good minute, but once it does, you’re good to go for a long while before you have to do it again. Visit their website for more ways to use them. If you want to check them out yourself, save 15% off by using the coupon code 15OFFSTR. The coupon is good both on Amazon and on the Chalkola chalk markers website.
Boogie Board: I got one of these last year and was really surprised at how often Jake used it. While it’s a “jot and erase” type of item, so you won’t have lasting art, it’s still loads of fun for kids of all ages. It’s perfect for taking in long car rides!
Minecraft: Just about all kids love this game, and I’ve seen it really bring out crazy creative ideas in my son. The Sandbox mode lets kids go wild with making incredibly detailed structures.
More ideas include:
- A set of colorful gel pens or colored pencils
- Blank sketchbooks in various sizes (small ones for keeping in a backpack, big ones for sketching at home)
- 3D Printing Pen
(these are really cool, but I had a hard time figuring out how to use it)
- An artist’s color wheel
- All different types of adult coloring books (more advanced than kiddie ones for tweens).
These are just a few ideas to get you started. It’s pretty easy to create the ultimate creativity Easter basket for tweens, you just have to use your imagination (that was kind of a pun).
What would you include in an Easter basket to inspire creativity? Share below!
Wow! I really had fun reading this! Great content. Thanks a lot for the idea.
I am seriously the worst procrastinator ever, but these are super helpful for me since I am so last minute! I love all of these creative ideas.Definitely pinning!