More people than ever are looking for ways to restart their careers, thanks to unemployment from COVID-19 at record levels. Fred Stuvek, author of Don’t F*** This Up!, has some amazing tips that can help you do just that! Read on to learn more.

5 Steps to Restart Your Career from Fred Stuvek, Author of Don't F*** This Up!

Need a New Start? 5 Steps to Restart Your Career

By Fred Stuvek, Jr.

There are numerous reasons why someone changes jobs, and it is much more commonplace than in former times. Estimates range that the average worker will change jobs anywhere from 8 to 15 times in his or her career.

A career change, however, is a different matter. It is usually sparked by a lack of motivation or inspiration in what you are doing as you find yourself simply going through the motions, don’t look forward to going to work, and can’t imagine yourself doing what you are doing now five or ten years from now. And once again, career changes are not unusual and are happening more since people are working longer and later in their lives as a matter of either choice or necessity.

Regardless of what situation you find yourself in, it is never too late for a career change. What you do and how quickly you proceed is predicated on your circumstances.

In any event, with planning and over time, it is eminently doable, if you act and follow these five steps.

  1. Identify – Look at those areas that match up best with your interests, skillset, and qualifications that would be something you would look forward to doing. Assess what positions you would be most interested in; what skills you currently have and don’t have, and what you need to do to become a qualified, viable candidate.
  1. Plan – Put together a list of all the things you need to do. Develop goals, in order of priority, along with objectives and timelines. Be realistic and practical in terms of what you need to do and how long it will take to do it. Anticipate the barriers or roadblocks that could sidetrack you and come up with strategies or coping mechanisms to deal with them. Financial planning is an integral part of this process.
  1. Act – Nothing changes if nothing changes, and nothing happens if you don’t act. While your intentions are good, this career change will only come to fruition if you act upon it. Fear destroys more dreams than failure ever has, so put aside your fears, develop your confidence, and take that first step. It may seem like a long journey, but the sooner you start, the sooner you get there. Once you have taken that first step, take another, and continue to move forward. Later you will look back, reflect on this, and be glad you took that first step.
  1. Accountability – While it is important to have a support group of family and friends, which is of incalculable value, at the end of the day you are responsible for you. Develop a routine, with good habits, and stick with it. Train and condition yourself to become more disciplined so that many of your actions are second nature. Track your progress by routinely reviewing you plan. Hold yourself accountable, and get rid of the excuses.
  1. Persevere – If you are wired for instant gratification, get rewired. This is a process that will take time and effort. Understand and accept that setbacks will occur along the way and find a way to deal with them. Review your plan, along with the objectives, and adjust as necessary.

If you need help, do not be shy about asking for it. Do not lose sight of what you are about and why you are doing this. Celebrate the successes – even the small ones – with family and friends as this will energize you.

As you continue to move forward your mindset, habits, and discipline are central in enabling you to successfully execute the plan and achieve your goals.


While I haven’t had a chance to read the entire book yet, what I have read is definitely interesting. I love how Stuvek steers clear of “self-helpy” writing and offers actionable tips in a conversational tone. Take a look at the details below. FYI, I used an Amazon affiliate link for the book links, so if you buy through it, I do earn a tiny commission.

The margin of error is shrinking…

Has the new normal just f***ed up the future for young adults?

Thanks to a global pandemic, they’re entering adulthood, their college career, or the workforce during record unemployment, a terrifying economy, and social guidelines that have all but eliminated life as we knew it.

And what about the millions of newly unemployed workers in America? As they look for a fresh start, how will they overcome the challenges of an economy decimated by COVID-19?

If having a strategy for the future was important before, now it’s critical. The choices new grads, young adults, or the newly unemployed make and the practices they adopt right now are going to shape not only their career, but every other aspect of their life as well.

Fred Stuvek, Jr. has some hard-earned life lessons to share with them. As a former athlete who served in the military and successfully started his own business, he has advice for those looking to thrive in this battered economy.

In Don’t F*** This Up!, he explains how harnessing certain proven success principles will help guide those looking for a new start in a world where the margin of error is narrower than ever.

About the Author

Fred Stuvek

FRED STUVEK JR. is the author of Don’t F*** This Up and It Starts With You. He has achieved extraordinary success in diverse realms. He has been inducted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame for achievements in football, basketball, baseball, and track. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy, after lettering three years as quarterback for the Midshipmen.

After service as a Naval Officer, he transitioned to the business world where he has held senior leadership positions in private and public companies, both domestically and internationally. Key successes include an international medical imaging start-up that led to a successful IPO, and forming a private medical services company, which he subsequently sold. From the playing field, to the war room, to the board room, his leadership and accomplishments have given him a distinct perspective and a results-oriented mindset.

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Want to keep up with Fred Stuvek? Check out his website and follow him on social media below.