Some people dream of being a teacher all their lives. Other people are inspired by a teacher in their own lives and subsequently pursue a career in teaching because they want to follow in that person’s footsteps. But many people come to the profession by accident or end up doing so without ever planning for it.
Working as a teacher is a very different experience than the one that most people have in their heads. Teaching degrees are substantially more versatile than most people assume they are. Of course, a teaching degree enables you to work as a teacher in an elementary school or K12. But these account for just a small fraction of the many career paths that an education degree can unlock.
Even if you don’t think teaching is for you, understanding the potential long-term prospects and benefits of being a teacher might change your mind.
There Are Always Jobs Available
We are always going to need teachers throughout the country. Every child needs an education, while adults can continue or revisit their educations at any time they choose. Once you have qualified as a teacher, you are virtually guaranteed to find a job. Even if there aren’t any jobs in your local area, a teaching degree earned in one part of the country can land you a job in another state.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the teaching profession to continue to grow. In the next decade, they are projecting an additional 1.5 million teaching jobs at the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels. The trend is showing no signs of slowing anytime soon. This forecast makes a teaching degree one of the most reliable investments you can make in your future.
If job security is important to you, and you want a career that you can stick with in the long-term, teaching is an excellent choice. The ability to reliably find work whenever you like also means that you can remain relatively mobile. Some people feel claustrophobic if they are tied down to a single area by their job. With a teaching degree and some professional experience under your belt, you can work wherever you want.
You Can Make A Difference To Children’s Lives
Job satisfaction is a valuable thing. Any job or career is more enjoyable when the work is something that you actually want to do and find rewarding. Teaching is one of the most rewarding careers out there and one of the most satisfying things you can do with your life. If you want to make a significant difference to future generations’ lives, teaching presents you with a unique opportunity to do this.
Of course, it isn’t just children that need an education. Many adults continue to pursue an education throughout their lives. Teaching adults can be every bit as rewarding as teaching children. In fact, many educators find that working with adults is even more rewarding because educators have more opportunities to specialize, so they are teaching the subject they are most passionate about.
Whatever age group or subject speaks to you the most, you can choose where you want to work and who you want to work with as a teacher. Wherever you end up working, being a teacher is guaranteed to be a uniquely rewarding experience.
You Can Study Online
There are lots of people who would like to pursue a university education but are unable to do so because of their personal circumstances. For example, single parents have traditionally found it difficult to take on a degree course’s time and financial commitments when they have other professional and childcare commitments to worry about. For these people, online courses present a possible way forward.
There are several benefits to studying online. Lots of people are unaware that they can complete the academic side of training to become a nurse or a teacher online. But online courses can still include placements with education institutions, enabling students to gain the necessary classroom experience. It is only the coursework and other assignments that students complete online.
Online courses offer numerous other benefits to students as well. They are usually significantly cheaper than conventional campus courses. Not only are they more affordable, but most universities that offer online courses allow students to pay them every month. Paying in installments makes otherwise unaffordable courses a realistic option for many people.
Studying online is popular with people who want to learn while working. In the case of education and nursing degrees, studying online is a popular option for professionals who want to advance their careers. Teachers who want to work in the most advanced and highest-paying education jobs will want to work towards a doctorate in education (Ed. D).
So, what is an Ed.D, and is it worth it? The Ed. D and the Ph.D. are the two qualifications that unlock the most senior roles in academic institutions. For teachers who want to work in research or go into lecturing as a professor, the Ph. D. in Education is the way to go. But teachers who want to continue to work in the classroom while also contributing to the development of the field, the Ed. D is a practice-based alternative.
Online studying puts the power to choose when to advance their careers in teachers’ hands. Instead of waiting for a promotion to be offered, teachers can take the initiative and earn the necessary degree to start applying for their jobs.
Choose Where You Want To Work
Once you have qualified as a teacher, you can take your degree and go and work anywhere you like. Not only will you have the whole United States open to you, but many teachers earn their degrees in the United States before they move on to work overseas.
Many people underestimate how many potential careers open up to teachers with experience. But the skills that teachers learn are applicable in many different areas. Teachers who have taught at the post-secondary level can find high-paying roles providing training and education services to private businesses.
Of course, there is no shortage of teaching jobs within the public sector. Not all of these are frontline teaching roles. Qualified and experienced teachers can apply to work in a range of public sector careers. In addition to teaching, teachers also play a significant role in shaping future education policies.
Learn Transferrable Skills
Surviving as a teacher requires you to develop a range of skills. Teachers cannot thrive on abstract lessons alone. To be the best teacher you can be, you will need to sharpen your problem-solving skills and get creative in your teaching approach. The more effectively you nurture these skills, the further you will go as a teacher.
Every student is different. The best teachers are those who can work effectively with individual students and classrooms as a whole to deliver the most effective teaching experience they can. When working with individual students, teachers need to communicate with them correctly and know how to best explain new concepts to them. These skills are the kind that you can only develop with experience.
Of course, teachers also need to exercise self-discipline. Leading by example is essential. If you want your students to work effectively, no matter what age they are, they need to see you prioritizing efficiency. If you are tidy and organized, your students are much more likely to develop good habits themselves. Teachers are role models; they must strive to live up to this status.
Develop Your Own Style
One of the most satisfying aspects of being a teacher, one that we often overlook, is the opportunity to develop your own unique style. While much of the curriculum that you teach might be tightly controlled, you can decide how you want to teach it. When you hit upon the right strategy and see it working to help students get to grips with their work, it is incredibly satisfying.
Working as a teacher is a very different experience from what most people expect. Even if frontline teaching doesn’t sound appealing to you, there are still numerous public and private sector roles. After gaining some experience working as a teacher, you will be able to work towards a career shaping the entire field’s future. Many teachers choose to take jobs as advisors to governments and politicians so they can play a central role in deciding how to educate the local population.
Even if you have never considered working as a teacher before, this is a career that you should think about. Teachers are in constant demand. Teaching is one of the most secure jobs you can have, which isn’t likely to change anytime soon. Teaching children or adults is one of the most satisfying and rewarding professional experiences there is. Despite the challenges that teachers face, many still report high levels of job satisfaction. A big part of this is the unique nature of the work they do. Teachers make a real difference to the futures of people of all ages. If you think teaching might be for you, contact your local university today to discuss teaching courses.