There is something to having a clean, organized home. As we all stay home more often, however, this becomes more challenging. Perhaps the issues within our homes, whether they can be chalked up to cleanliness problems or challenges with staying organized, are more noticeable than ever before. Or conversely, perhaps the depression and stress caused by staying home more have us cleaning less than we once did. No matter what, many of us are significantly off of our normal routines, and that often leads to our homes becoming a bit dirtier.
Why does this matter? Well, for one thing, the more you put off cleaning and organizing, the more challenging it becomes in the long term. Everything builds up, and you won’t be as motivated to do the kind of work necessary to start with a literal clean slate. But the more all of this builds up, the worse it is for your mental and physical health in tandem. Sitting around in a dirty home can be bad for you on multiple levels, and this is particularly detrimental during a time in which our health should a top priority for all of us.
Let’s explore how important it is to clean our houses regularly not only for our physical health but our mental health as well. It’s easy to fall out of a routine and find yourself languishing in a home that doesn’t mean your own personal standards. But with the right attitude and certain strategies, you can put yourself back into the mindset and routine of cleaning your home on a regular basis, and therefore taking care of both your mind and your body.</>
How Does An Unclean Home Affect My Physical Health?
It’s perhaps easiest for us to understand how an unclean home can affect our physical wellness. Think just now about the fact that the average person loses about 100 strands of hair each day, and think too about how many hairs the pets in your home may shed as well. Those are allergens accumulating in your home almost constantly, just like dust, pollen, dead skin, and much more. If you don’t give your home a regular sweep and vacuuming, those allergens can actually build up over time and cause you to feel poorly.
But perhaps it’s the link between our minds and our bodies that make an unclean home so detrimental to an individual’s physical health. Anxiety, stress, and depression can hugely affect your body. They have been connecting to weight gain, muscle tension, fatigue, insomnia, and even heart conditions among other things. And when your home is unclean, your mental health suffers. Yet the activities that we take part in to clean our homes can not only alleviate our mental stress, but some physical problems as well. Cleaning is actually a form of aerobic exercise. This will get you up off your feet and working, while at the same time stimulating the release of endorphins that will in turn have you feeling better. Hard work, like moving up to your attic and ensuring that your roof is properly ventilated, will not only have you getting much-needed exercise but help your roof last 20 years or longer.
It’s no wonder that a study on 998 people between the ages of 49 and 65 revealed that those who kept their homes clean were healthier and more active. These types of practices also help address the issues of air pollution that we mentioned above, allowing you to take two separate issues on immediately.
What Is the Large Scale Effect of A Messy Home?
If you live with other people, whether they’re roommates or family, a messy home doesn’t just affect you. It also affects your relationships with them, which in turn can cause conflict within your daily life mental health. If you’re not taking care of your end of the bargain regarding housework and home improvements, those living with you may eventually feel some degree of resentment. In turn, you may start to project your own stress and anxieties onto others. A minor bit of clutter could provoke a major fight.
This is why it’s a good idea for all of you to be in a routine together and follow established cleaning rules. If you have children, you may also want to limit the number of possessions that they own in order to prevent excessive clutter. These kinds of benefits will allow all of you to get what you need out of your home, simply with a bit more structure. In the same sense, this is why a lot of parents implement chore charts. It allows them to accomplish what they need without causing undue stress. When everyone works together, it’s easier to keep the home clean. And when the home remains clean, the whole family is happier. The scientific journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin studied the way 60 women discussed their homes, and those who described theirs as cluttered were actually more likely to be depressed. Don’t undervalue the effect cleanliness and organization has on psychology.
Powerfully, people who make their beds every morning, a small organizational gesture, are 19% more likely to report a good night’s sleep. And 75% of people report a better night’s rest after their sheets are freshly cleaned, too. Just as a lack of cleanliness makes us depressed, a lack of organization makes us overwhelmed. Donate or throw away the items that you don’t need anymore, and you’ll be amazed by how much better you and everyone who lives with you will feel. It’s easier to have patience when you’re relaxed, and it’s easier to relax when you aren’t dealing with these additional stressors on top of the everyday life issues that may already have you worried and anxious.
Are There Changes I Can Make To Create A Healthier Home?
Aside from cleaning on a physical level and establishing organizational routines, there are some changes that you can make to ensure that your home is healthier. As previously mentioned regarding air pollution, make sure your home is well ventilated and think about investing in an air purifier as a booster. In this same sense, you may want to add a water purifier or softener to fix the issue of hard water. Keep in mind that the typical classifications for water indicate that water with 0 to 60 milligrams of calcium carbonate to water is soft; 61 to 120 milligrams equals moderately hard water; 121 to 180 milligrams is hard; and water with more than 180 milligrams of calcium carbonate is very hard. When water is hard, it can leave a film on surfaces and skin that has you feeling dirty.
These types of changes can really enable you to feel as if your harm is cleaner and fresher without you doing much at all. Making such transitions can allow you to be much healthier in the long term, if only because you feel healthier. Remember this as you make decisions about how to care for your home, and prioritize the health and happiness of everyone.
wow never gave much thought to cleaning but this is great
i always feel relaxed when i clean my house i gives me time to think
so i think this is the reason my husband is always cool and happy he cleans the house mostly