Many people find themselves bored or unfulfilled with their job after several years in a particular position or industry. If you’re finding yourself in these circumstances, perhaps it’s time to consider making a rewarding career change. It’s important to feel happy with and proud of the position you hold.
Here are five jobs that don’t require a college degree. Depending on your skills and passions, one of these careers may be of interest to you.
Teacher’s Aide
Do you enjoy working with children and feel fulfilled by inspiring and shaping young minds? Becoming a teacher’s aide may be a great fit for you. Teacher’s aides work alongside teachers in the classroom. They work with students one-on-one or in small groups to facilitate a positive learning environment. Students that need additional help or attention are often assisted by teacher’s aides. Other duties may include grading assignments, collecting homework, taking attendance, and helping the teacher with other tasks as needed.
This job is flexible because a teacher’s aide can obtain this position at any school across the country. This includes public schools, charter schools, and private schools, which make up 25% of all schools in the United States. Depending on where you live, there may be more private schools in your area. You could find a position that works with a variety of ages or one that sticks to one classroom with one teacher throughout the school day.
Are you looking for a high-intensity job? Firefighters must be ready for action the minute a call comes in about a fire. Firefighters must operate vehicles and machinery, know how to carry out first aid methods, and most importantly, be brave and willing to risk their lives to save others. This profession is among the top-ranked for job satisfaction.
Environmental Paralegal
Are you interested in helping the environment and combatting climate change? Perhaps you want more people to learn about the three R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle, also referred to as the waste hierarchy. Environmental lawyers often choose their specialty based on these reasons, and becoming a paralegal for an environmental law office may be a career you could pursue for the same ones.
Paralegals assist in researching facts, information about cases, and relevant laws. They also help in writing reports involving environmental regulations and laws. Being a paralegal in an environmental law office would allow you to see how the legal process works as well as work hand-in-hand with lawyers who are passionate about the cause.
Real Estate Agent
Are you a sociable person who wants to help people find the home of their dreams? After obtaining the proper license, a real estate agent helps individuals, couples, and families sell and buy homes. Real estate agents must be charismatic as well as have strong communication and organization skills and a knack for sales. Essentially, a real estate agent is a salesperson. They must be able to close a deal.
Real estate agents like their jobs because it offers opportunities for socialization, a more flexible work schedule, and the ability to move from place to place during the workday. Plus, showing houses allows for a real estate agent to show off their eye for design and knowledge of houses and construction. Helping people find and buy the home of their dreams also gives a real estate agent satisfaction and fulfillment.
Physical Therapy Assistant
Are you passionate about helping people in a hands-on way? Physical therapy assistants work alongside certified physical therapists to treat patients through a variety of therapeutic exercises and interventions. This position also involves tracking the progress of their clients. As an assistant, you could also help patients who seek intervention within the first two weeks of an injury to their back, neck, or knee reduce the need for prescribed pain medication. Working in a physical therapy office is also among the top-ranked for job satisfaction.
What are you passionate about? How do you want to spend your days? Job satisfaction and fulfillment from the position you hold long-term is important. Consider these options among others if you’re looking to make a rewarding career change.