As you make home improvement plans, you have to consider your expenses. How will this save you money in the future? Luckily, there are many ways to conserve money by conserving energy. Here are some energy-efficient home improvement ideas that can help your budget in the future.

5 Ways to Conserve Money by Conserving Energy

1. Invest in Solar Energy

If you can switch your home over to solar power, this can be a fantastic investment. While there will be some startup costs involved — such as the panels — the savings on your electricity over the years will eventually pay for the system. You might also be able to save money on your upfront costs through different rebates and tax deductions. Talk to a solar provider in your area about your options.

2. Update Your Water Heater

Your water heater uses up a lot of energy, especially in colder weather. If you want to save money, consider upgrading your heater to a demand water heater. Unlike a traditional water heater, which stores hot water in a tank, a demand water heater heats the water as necessary. According to Energy Saver, if your household uses 41 gallons of hot water or less each day, a demand water heater can be 24% to 34% more energy efficient than a traditional water heater. Keep this in mind as you make your home improvement plans.

3. Improve Your Insulation

No matter where you live, you want your home to be a comfortable temperature. Insulation is a major part of this, since it prevents the heated or cooled air from escaping your home. If you have a poorly insulated house, your systems need to use more energy to make up for the lost heat or chill. Invest in upgrading your insulation. Find where the problems are, then fill them in. This is a simple process that you can easily add to your home improvement plans. By professionally sealing your home, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, you could save up to 10% to 20% on your energy costs.

4. Replace Your Garage Doors

You probably don’t think much about your garage doors. Your garage is just where you store your car. When you’re focused on home improvement, you’re likely looking at your living space. However, replacing your garage doors can help conserve energy, which in turn saves you money. If you have an old garage door with an old garage door opener, your home is less energy efficient than it could be. Modern garage doors help to keep your home energy-efficient. If they include a modern garage door opener, you can also use less electricity than you would with an older model. The U.S. Department of Energy claims that modern openers use 75% less power than older ones. Keep your garage doors in mind as you make your plans.

5. Install a Programmable Thermostat

Your home uses a lot of energy to stay heated or cooled during intense weather. However, adjusting your thermostat throughout the day can help you use less, which will save you money on your energy bills. Buy a programmable thermostat. That way, you can keep the heat lower when nobody’s home, then easily turn it back up so that you’re comfortable later. If the thermostat takes care of this for you, then you can save money without having to do any extra work.

Saving money is important. So is conserving energy. Luckily, the two go hand in hand. So, as you make home improvement plans, consider all the ways that your home could become more energy-efficient. Many of these options can also be used to save money on your bills each month. So take a look at the options listed here and consider which would work best for you.