If you’re moving states or towns as a family, there are certain things to remember when making the trip to your new home. Below are some things to consider if you’re planning on buying a new home in another state and ways to make the transition easier for your children.

7 Moving Tips for Families


1. Consider New State Laws

Considering new state laws and how they might affect your children is critical. For instance, under Texas law, a juvenile is a minor who is between 10 years old and 16 years old (not yet 17 years old). This new state law might affect your child’s ability to drive, attend school, emancipate themselves, and do many other things. Consider these new state laws when moving into your new home.

2. Find Furniture That Fits

If you’re moving into a new home, consider whether you’ll want a new couch or want to buy new furniture. Buying new furniture is an excellent option for families that want to start fresh and change their style. You can also consider buying new furniture that suits your teen’s changing tastes. With 30% of consumers looking for a new couch, chances are you’ll be able to find a contemporary furniture store that can fulfill your needs.

3. Renovate Your Home Beforehand

When moving into a new home, it’s best to conduct all the renovations beforehand. Doing renovations to your home before moving in can help prevent you from needing to look for accommodations with your children in a hurry. While you might be eager to move into your new home, stay patient and handle all significant renovations beforehand. The roof is one of the best renovations to consider for your new home. The roof makes up 40% of your home’s exterior and plays a significant role in safety, your home’s overall look, and curb appeal.

4. Involve Your Kids in The Move

Make sure to involve your kids in the move as much as possible. After all, they will be the ones living in the new home with you. Ask them for their opinion on paint colors, room arrangements, and where they want their furniture placed. Allowing them to have a say in these decisions will help make the transition to the new home much more convenient. Plus, it’ll be a fun bonding experience for the whole family.

5. Prepare Your Kids for the Move

Once you’ve decided to move, sit down with your kids and explain the situation. Let them know why you’re moving, how long it will take, and what the new home will be like. Show them pictures of the new home and yard if they’re old enough. You can even drive by the new home together and let them explore the neighborhood. The more prepared they are for the move, the easier it will be on them emotionally.

6. Pack Their Favorite Things

Pack your kids’ favorite things when packing up for the move, including their favorite stuffed animal, toy, blanket, or pillow. These items will help make the transition to the new home much easier. It’ll be a familiar comfort for them during a time of change. Try to make the move as fun and exciting as possible for your kids to help take their minds off of the fact that they’re leaving their homes and friends behind.

7. Be Prepared for the Emotional Aspect of Moving

Moving can be a very emotional time for families. You might be leaving behind friends, family members, and favorite places. It’s essential to be prepared for these emotions and talk to your children about how they might be feeling. Helping them process these emotions will make the move much easier for everyone involved.

Moving to a new home is a big decision for any family. But, with a little planning and preparation, it can be a smooth transition for everyone involved. Keep these tips in mind when moving to your new home and you’ll be sure to have a successful move.