Green Kids Crafts Discovery Box: Bird WatchingI had a chance to review Green Kids Crafts a couple of months ago when I did the Pirate Loot and Scrap Book Kit with Jacob. I was really excited to have another opportunity to try out one of their craft kits as part of the Keeping Kids Creative giveaway event, which starts on September 17th. Green Kids Crafts is one of the grand prize sponsors in the event, and they’re really going all out! Check out the details at the end of my review to find out how you can help me out in a contest and get a special discount off your Discovery Box.

The Bird Watching Green Kids Crafts Discovery Box

I received the Bird Watching themed Discovery Box to try out with Jacob, and as before, we had a great time creating the different crafts in the kit. It contained a birdhouse kit, paper bag puppets crafts, and a birdwatching scope kit.

The first thing we put together was the birdwatching scope. It’s basically a cardboard roll, sticky felt, and green construction paper. They suggested using different materials at home to decorate it, but I used the tissue paper that was lining the Green Kids Crafts Discovery box. It was really easy to follow the directions and put it all together. Here is my finished product, and Jacob using it:

Green Kids Crafts Discovery Box: Bird Watching

Green Kids Crafts Discovery Box: Bird Watching


Next we started on the birdhouse. It came in about 7 pieces, and we painted them before putting it together. Jacob and I are eclectic painters. We like our projects to be as unique as possible, so the result is a birdhouse with many different colors.

These are my panels. Jacob stuck with single colors on his, like the reddish pink that came with the kit. We did break out our own paint supply for this project.

Green Kids Crafts Discovery Box: Bird Watching

The finished product was easy to assemble, and that’s saying a lot considering I cry when I try to assemble just about anything. I find that if you burst into tears, someone else will come along and put it together for you! Although it’s messy, I put it together while the paint was still wet. I figure it will sort of glue itself together that way as it dries, although it does fit together pretty snuggly without any assistance.

Green Kids Crafts Discovery Box: Bird Watching

Last, we put together the Owl paper bag puppet. We could have done either that or the Crane. I am not really good at cutting a perfect circle, so his eyes and spots are a little less than perfect. Hey, I think he’s still cute, especially when my kid is holding him!

Green Kids Crafts Discovery Box: Bird Watching

Special Discount on Green Kids Crafts Discovery Boxes

During the Keeping Kids Creative event, starting on 9/17/12, Green Kids Crafts is offering $5 off their kits, which normally retail for $19.50 per month. During this time through October, 1, 2012, use the code KEEPKC to receive your discount.

Contest: Help me Win!

Also starting on 9/17, you can head over to the Green Kids Crafts blogger photo contest and vote for my son. Why should you? First, every vote they receive (be it for my photo or one of the other wonderful bloggers involved in this contest), Green Kids Crafts will donate $0.50 to Healthy Child Healthy World, a non-profit working to help parents create a better environment for their children. Second, if I win, I get to give away a 6-month subscription to Green Kids Crafts Discovery Boxes to one of you! So be sure to swing by the site on 9/17 and vote for us!

Like and follow Green Kid Crafts for great crafting, green living, and balanced parenting ideas, as well as special contests and promotions! Find them on Facebook ; Twitter ; and Pinterest.

Green Kids Crafts Discovery Box: Bird Watching