Pour on the Pink Mothers Day Flowers

Teleflora is one of my favorite companies to work with, they always send me such gorgeous flowers for my posts on the giving the right flowers for different holidays. Yes, in my opinion, there is a right way. Of course, that way is completely subjective, but to me, it involves choosing a bouquet that really reflects the recipients tastes and making sure the arrangement comes with a little something extra that lasts longer than the flowers. Even the heartiest of flowers don’t live forever, after all!

Choosing a Meaningful Mother’s Day Flower Arrangement

Rather than just picking out the first pretty bouquet that catches your eye, take a little time to investigate the meaning behind the flowers that you’ll be giving. For example, my gorgeous Pour on the Pink bouquet from Teleflora features pink roses, pink carnations, white alstroemeria (also called Peruvian Lilies), and matsumoto asters. I looked at the meaning behind each one.

Pink roses are for friendship. Our moms are often our first friends when we’re children. Although during the teen years, we seem to rebel against that, when we grow up, Mom once again becomes one of our closest friends.

Pink Rose

Pink carnations signify gratitude. Who deserves our gratitude more than mom?


The matsumoto asters signifies love, faith and wisdom. We all know moms are wise!

Matsumoto AstersWhite alstroemeria symbolizes devotion. No one is more devoted than a mother to her child.

White alstroemeria

Together the Pour on the Pink bouquet is a declaration of love and friendship, a symbol of gratitude for all mom does, and an acknowledgement of her eternal wisdom.

How to keep the memory of the flowers alive forever

Flowers don’t live forever. That’s just a fact of life. You can still keep the memory of the flowers alive though! Try taking pictures (like I did) and make a nice print from them! Collect the  pictures over the years and turn them into a gorgeous coffee table book. Or, you can give flowers that come with a little something extra. The vase that comes with the Pour on the Pink bouquet doubles as a pitcher. Clean it out and it’s perfect for holding refreshing iced-tea for an afternoon of reading on the deck.

Mother’s Day Arrangements from Teleflora

Teleflora offers several beautiful arrangements that are perfect for Mother’s Day. Visit their website to find out what is available in your area. They have same-day deliveries on all bouquets ordered through their site, so you can even wait until pretty much the last minute. Connect with Teleflora on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to see more of their  arrangements or keep up with news and special deals.
