Looking for stocking stuffer gift ideas for your guy that aren’t your typical cologne and underwear? Me too! I have a hard enough time trying to come up with gift ideas for guys, let alone cool ideas that are small enough to fit in a sock. Even if it is an oversized one!

Looking for stocking stuffer gift ideas for your guy that aren't your typical cologne and underwear? Me too! I have a hard enough time trying to come up with gift ideas for guys, let alone cool ideas that are small enough to fit in a sock.  Benefit from the results of my hunt!

I’ve been on the hunt for some awesome stocking stuffers. I figured while I’m doing all this work, you should benefit from it! Plus I’m throwing in affiliate links, so hey, if you buy any of these, I’ll benefit too. Win-win, right? Read on, my pals!

Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Your Guy

The BrewsKey™ Starter Kit– I actually got one of these to try out, but I don’t really cover alcohol in depth on Pretty Opinionated. Still, it was too cool not to mention! If your guy loves adding lime and salt to his tasty brew, he’ll love the BrewsKey! It’s a nifty gadget that turns any brew into a cerveza. I don’t know what that is. I do know that I like to drink Corona with lime, but I can never really get the lime in the bottle just right.

Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Your Guy

With the BrewsKey, you just slam it down on your bear and it injects the 100% natural dehydrated lime and sea salt right into it. The starter kit retails for $13.99 and comes with a reusable BrewsKey actuator plus 6 reloads cups. While I used to be able to drink sailors under the table, these days, that would last me months!

Good for One Mediocre Shoulder Rub: Considerate Coupons for CouplesStocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Your Guy: This is pretty much THE coolest coupon book EVER. I love the idea of coupon books for couples. I really do. The thing is, they’re all filled with things like “an hour massage,” “a home-cooked meal” and things that, let’s face it, I’ll never actually have time to deliver.

Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Your Guy

Good for One Mediocre Shoulder Rub brings reality back into your couplehood while still letting you give your honey something special. A few of my favorites include “take out dinner of your choosing” and “30 minutes of my undivided attention.” This gift can work both ways too, so you can totally make it a gift to each other!

A tote bag that won’t embarrass him: Your guy wants to be more eco-friendly, but your trunk is filled with frilly frou frou tote bags that you picked up at your favorite girly-girl store. So he “forgets” them every time he goes shopping. So give him a cool bag and a reason to stop making excuses!


Trick-or-Treating 1313 Rotted Face by VonKreep Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Your Guy
Head over to Redbubble (you had to know that was coming) and check out their veritable cornucopia of awesome tote bags that even your guy will love!

Cards Against Humanity: First ExpansionStocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Your Guy: Got a really terrible guy with an incredible send of humor? Cards Against Humanity is a hilarious party game that everyone is raving about. I never get invited to parties, so I have no idea what it is. It’s uber popular though, so I’m thinking about getting it for my brother if he doesn’t already have it. He has a terrible sense of humor. By that, I mean witty, of course, Yes, witty.
Cards against humanity Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Your Guy

Accoutrements Bacon Soap in TinStocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Your Guy: I still find the entire bacon fascination disturbing. I don’t eat mammals though, so that could have something to do with it. Boyfriend loves bacon. I’m not sure if he wants to smell like it though. I’m not sure if YOU want YOUR guy to smell like meat, but hey, if that’s your thing, go for it! Even if it’s not, this makes a clever gag gift.



bacon soap Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Your Guy

So there you go. Five gifts to stuff in your guy’s stocking, and you didn’t even break a sweat by leaving the house!

Do you have any great ideas for stocking stuffers for guys? I’d love to hear them!