Easter by the Numbers (Visual.ly)

I spent the night in the ER on Thursday night (ovarian cysts do not rock, by the way), and I’m still recovering. I had another post planned for today but didn’t get to write it (luckily I had stuff scheduled through Friday), and considering I can barely...

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

You know what’s funny? I’ve never actually gone out on St. Patrick’s Day. Mostly because I rebelled against the holiday, since I’m pagan, as were the “snakes” that St. Patrick drove out of Ireland.  But I’ve decided that since...

Happy International Day of Awesomeness!

March 10th is the International Day of Awesomeness, a special day set aside to recognize just how completely awesome you are. The day was started by Kevin Lawver in 2007, and falls on Chuck Norris’ birthday because apparently Chuck Norris is awesome. While I...

Marriage Proposal Guide (Visual.ly)

Valentine’s Day is less than a month away, and we all know it’s one of the most popular times of the year for marriage proposals. If you’re planning to propose (or think your significant other may be thinking about it), this little infographic from...

So long, 2011! Bring on 2012!

Happy New Years Eve everyone!! Does anyone have any exciting plans? For the first time in a while, I’ll actually have someone to kiss when the clock strikes midnight, so I’m pretty excited. We were going to hit a party and possibly get smashed, but decided...