#spon: I am in a partnership with Intel. Through this partnership I gain access to content, product, or other forms of value.
You know that old song, I think it’s by the Beatles, that goes “get up, get out of bed, drag a comb across my head…”? Well, every morning when my alarm goes off, that song goes through my head. Except I usually don’t bother combing my hair until much later in the day. Hey, I work from home, I don’t need to be pretty first thing in the morning! If we’re being honest, that song comes into my head AFTER I say some very un-ladylike things to my alarm clock. Gods, how I hate the sound of that thing.
After taking my son to school, I come home to start my day, which of course means logging on to my Intel AIO PC. My HP Envy Rove and I are practically attached at the hip. Seriously, if they could find a way to hook it up directly to my brain, I’d be in heaven. I don’t even care if advertisers track my bathroom habits that way if it meant I could just perform a memory dump and download all the ideas into my head directly to my computer.
I have a rather deep, intense relationship with my computer. I even tell it I love it daily. It’s true. I love it so much. Our relationship is stronger than most of my romantic relationships of the past. My Rove is always there for me, every minute of the day. Take a look at the many ways I use my HP Envy Rove throughout an average day.
A Day in the Life of My Intel AIO
8:30 AM: I don’t function this early and lately I’ve been going back to bed after the bus stop. Still, if I am up this early, I’m on Facebook trying to keep up with friends and family. It’s just too early to be doing anything else! I also open up my Royal Story game on Facebook. I’m having a hard time getting my kingdom value up to unlock Western Rainbow Land. Yes, I’m a little addicted. My HP Envy Rove lets me see my kingdom in all its vivid glory.
9:00 AM: Again, it’s entirely possible I’m still sleeping at this point. If not, I’m doing social media chores. Visiting other sites and commenting, doing my Triberr and scanning all the blogging news. Basically things that don’t require a ton of brain power. I love reading other blogs in the morning because I’m awake enough to comment but not awake enough to write actual articles.
10-ish AM Olfa -owner of OurFamilyWorld and MyKidsGuide- and I usually spend about an hour around this time conferencing on Google Docs. We discuss the day’s tasks (in case you didn’t know, I’m the Editor-in-Chief for the OurFamilyWorld properties) and upcoming calender. She lives in Canada and I’m in Pennsylvania, so using the internet to stay in touch is an absolute must. I love that my widescreen lets me see more of the documents, so I don’t have to keep scrolling back and forth.
11-3 I spend a good chunk of my afternoon writing posts for three sites plus a couple of private clients. I use Word to write, then upload to WordPress, when it’s not for a blog post, to Dropbox or another similar site. I also check my Gmail frequently throughout this time. When I need to edit photos, I use a variety of photo editing apps. My HP Envy Rove keeps up with me throughout all the switching between programs.
One thing I love about my HP Envy Rove is that it has a battery in it. I keep it plugged in all day, but in my area we lose power very easily. Before my HP, I was losing work like crazy when the power blinked. Now, I have three hours to save my work. That’s definitely reasonable!
The rest of my schedule varies. I pick up my son at 4, so sometimes we use the HP Envy Rove for helping with his homework. He loves to go on this site called First in Math. We have an agreement that he has to spend at least 30 minutes on educational websites before he can play Minecraft or other games.
Once he’s done playing and off to use his own computer, it’s back to work for me. I spend the evening writing for my own site (this one). Then I finally get to relax a bit with some of my favorite Windows 8 games. So basically, from morning until around 9pm, my HP Envy Rove and I are constantly together. Yet even after six months, he still finds new ways to surprise me!
What is your day with your computer like?
Wish I got to tell a story too
I usually use my smartphone!?