4-Step Guide to a Last-Minute Summer Vacation

4-Step Guide to a Last-Minute Summer Vacation

It’s officially summer. And by now, most of your friends, family and coworkers are probably getting excited for their summer vacations. It’s normal to plan summer vacations months in advance. But if you haven’t made plans yet, it’s not too...
Tips On Capturing Moments You Never Want To Forget

Tips On Capturing Moments You Never Want To Forget

Kids grow up fast and you want to track that growth through pictures and video, but you also want to put a bit of a twist on it. How do you go about capturing all the sad times, all the happy times and all the laugh out loud funny times while doing it in a way that is...
Tips to Make Your Family Move Less Stressful

Tips to Make Your Family Move Less Stressful

  Moving is hard on everyone, especially your kids. They have to pack up the only world they’ve known and go to a place they are unfamiliar with. As a parent, you already know how stressful it can be on your kids and you want to help them with the transition any...
Five Gift Giving Ideas that are as Easy as Pie

Five Gift Giving Ideas that are as Easy as Pie

There are few things as frustrating as trying to find the perfect gift for “that someone”. You know who I’m talking about. Maybe it’s the boss that has everything. Maybe it’s your teen that can’t seem to stick with one thing for more than a week. Maybe it’s your...
Need a Bike? Try Going Used

Need a Bike? Try Going Used

As parents, we want to give our children the best… or at least, better than we had. This desire often translates into spending way too much on the latest and newest, rather than going for used. In some cases, that’s a good idea; however, when buying recreational...
Budget Friendly Home Security Tips

Budget Friendly Home Security Tips

Keeping expenses to a minimum is a must for me. Especially since my student loans have kicked in. I’ve managed to find savings in different areas of my everyday life. Now that I have my own place, my parents often call to make sure their only daughter is safe in...
Fixing Credit After Unemployment

Fixing Credit After Unemployment

Losing your job is probably one of the scariest feelings in the world. This is especially true if you have a family, a mortgage loan, and other monthly bills. In addition to feeling scared, you might also be angry with your employer. You undoubtedly gave all your...
Teaching Your Children How to Use Social Media

Teaching Your Children How to Use Social Media

How do you teach children to use social media, especially when the rules seem to be changing every year? A generation ago, parents didn’t have to worry about whether their child would post something unsafe or inappropriate to Facebook or another social network....
Why is the Divorce Rate Increasing?

Why is the Divorce Rate Increasing?

Bloomberg reports that “hard economic times” were to blame for the decrease in divorce rates during the economic recession, which began in June 2009 and lasted for 18 months. Since the end of the recession, divorce rates have increased at a startling rate....
Saving For Your Kids’ College Funds

Saving For Your Kids’ College Funds

We’ve talked here before about controlling the money before it controls you. When you’re spending all of your money as it comes in, the idea of saving even a couple of bucks seems like a pipe dream and saving up to be able to send your kids to college? That feels...