Feed the Woozle Review + Giveaway

Teaching children to be “good losers” can be a major challenge, especially during the preschool years. You’re always walking a fine line between keeping their self-esteem up and preventing them from becoming one of those kids who can never handle...

Educational Insights GeoSafari Laptop Review

Jacob just turned 7 on the 14th of this month, but he’s always been a little ahead when it comes to reading and learning, so when I was given the chance to choose a GeoSafari item from the Educational Insights website, I knew right away the GeoSafari Laptop Ages...

Team Hot Wheels Double Dare Snare Party

Like most little boys, Jacob is a Hot Wheels fanatic. Although I personally have a hard time understanding why he needs over 100 different cars, apparently the fact that they ARE all different answers my question. I admit, I get a little grumpy when I step on one in...

GeoSafari Jr. Talking Bug Net Review

Jacob is on a science kick lately, which is pretty cool since I was never any good at that subject. I think he’s already more well-rounded in education than I am! The GeoSafari Jr. Talking Bug Net from Educational Insights is perfect for budding scientists and...

Wizard of Oz Cowardly Lion Costume Review

Jacob has been really into the Wizard of Oz lately, mostly because he finds it fascinating that Sal can narrate every single line of the movie. Seriously, my boyfriend has this uncanny ability to directly quote just about any movie he’s ever seen, and the Wizard...